Thursday, March 23, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
cinemATL's 1st Podcast:
We at cinemATL have just recorded our first podcast this evening. Our first guest was Atlanta Film Festival Director Jake Jacobson.
We got so much great stuff we were going to pull an NBC and supersize the first ep. However, we're going to be bringing you this great interview in two parts (maybe even three).
Want to know what Jake's got planned? Want to know what this year's focus is going to be? How about finding out what the 30th AFF is going do for Atlanta filmmaking? You can even find out what Jake's already working on for 2007.
So be on the look out for more info about the release of our podcast. And expect more interviews with locals involved in all aspects of the film scene here in Atlanta and the South.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
WIF/A: 6 - Atlantic Station Regal Cinemas: 0
Reflecting on WIF/A's and WIFTI's Short Film Showcase:
Let me get this out of the way. Whoever Atlantic Station Regal outsourced their A/V services to did a sh*tty job. Half way through A Place Called Home the DVD froze. That would be just the first of several glitches that added at least 45 minutes to the showcase's total running time.
At the cocktail reception afterwards, the Regal manager did give us free passes and graciously credited Sherry Richardson for single handedly keeping the showcase on track. Unfortunately, as the audience, we didn't know that it wasn't WIF/A who wasn't prepared. And since we only found that out after the showcase was over, first timers to a WIF/A event, who skipped the reception, are most likely now wandering the streets of Atlanta with a decidedly false impression about how WIF/A does things. (Let's not fail to mention that I got the notion that Fox Sports Grill was none to happy the reception started an hour late.)
However, who really cares when the shorts themselves were so damn strong. In particular, the 6 local shorts were beyond impressive. They were so moving semi-loyal readers, I've avowed to dial back my bitching and moaning about quality films coming out of the "A" from a 9 to an 8. Unfortunately, I've got to make my total quota, so I'm raising my B&M about why aren't more women behind the camera from a 7 to a right out 10. At sixteen percent, it's appalling that there are so few women writers, directors and producers working behind the scenes.
Starting with Charity Harvey's The Memory of History and ending with Raquel Asturias's Sharing Our Souls, these Women are the collectors of who we are. Their cameras aren't tools they're an extension of themselves. Mechanical appendages that organically allow them to be observers of the intimate and the minute.
Whether it's an oral and pictorial history of Herren's restaurant, a mockumentary about being a "video vixen" or a fairytale about our willingness to destroy the present to recreate a past that no longer exists, these are personal stories. Unflinching stories. Stories that we should be grateful have been added to our collective memory.
Sandra M. Yee's Hoo Hoo - Losing Mother Tongue probably encompasses what these film do best. In the opening frame, we're introduced to Yee's grandmother. Fierce, energetic, witty and willing to scold anyone within earshot, she's a character that you immediately gravitate to. Just as we're beginning to know her, we learn that a month after Yee started the documentary, her grandmother suffered a heart attack and died two days later. It's a sobering moment that only makes you grasp the previous six minutes ever more tightly.
As a part of celeberating International Women's Day, last night's films are a reminder that we must always be actively pursuing memory and creating memory. That we all need to be collectors of who we are.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
March 9th "The Vagina Monologues"
The Vagina Monologues
THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2006 - 8:00 PM
Woodruff Arts Center
Rich Auditorium
1280 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30309
Directed by: Nailah Manns
Executive Producer: Carletta S. Hurt
FEATURING: Marshawn Evans, Toccara Jones, Carol Mitchell-Leon and Kaira Whitehead
STARRING: Eva Acosta, Brandy C. Huff, Sheryland Neal, Kimberly Jurgen, Therese Lambert, Nadya Simpson, Carla A. Tyrell, Chantell Welch and Samantha Worthen
Admission:$25 in advance/$30 at the door
VIP Reception (immediately following performance): $15
For more information or to order group tickets (10+)
Contact Carletta S. Hurt
404.964.3732 or or visit: I Kam Productions
Proceeds from this performance will benefit:
The Princess Project, an initiative of Miss/Ms Black Georgia USA Scholarship Foundation, is a program where they "adopt" 15 foster girls ages 7-12 and provide opportunities for increased exposure; build self-awareness, confidence and literacy skills.
The Center to End Adolescent Sexual Exploitation (CEASE) , an initiative of the Juvenile Justice Fund, is one of the nation's most aggressive initiatives to prevent sexual exploitation of children and to take action wherever sexual abuse is occurring.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
March 8th Women In Film Short Film Showcase

Guest Speaker, Short Film Showcase, Cocktail Reception
$10 WIF/A members - $20 non-members
*cost includes film screenings and reception
(doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
Reserve your seat today! Seating is limited.
March 4th Celeberating Cultures In Motion
A Celebrating Cultures in Motion
Pre-Film Festival Showcase
March 4th 2-6 pm
cost: $5
El Cine Mireles
3378 Canton Rd.
Marrietta, GA
The African American Cinema Gallery and the Sweet Auburn SpringFest have teamed up to host their first international film festival May 12-13 at the Auburn Avenue Research Library. Dedicated to the late Coretta Scott King, the theme of this year's fest is Fulfilling The Dream.
Building up to the event the AACG and El Cine Mireles are presenting a series of Pre-Festival showcases featuring filmmakers, vendors and door prizes. The next one will happen this Saturday and they'll be screening Ordinary Lives, DL Chronicles and Proud Mary (a filmmaker Q&A for Proud Mary follows the screening).
Try to make it out if you. But, if you can't make it to this, make time to catch them in May at the Sweet Auburn Springfest.