A bunch o' free screenings in December
Howdy folks, theres some upcoming film & video events coming up soon that we'd like to make you aware of... so, here I am, making you aware of it. Remember: this "awareness" thing only works if you actually read them.
First up, a movie not to be confused with that Johnny Cash biopic:
IMAGE and the MLK National Historic Site DREAM Series present the documentary film Walking The LineIf you've been reading the AtlantaFilms.com boards you'll know all about this one, but in case you don't:Walking the Line offers a harrowing view of the chaos, absurdity, and senseless deaths along the U.S.-Mexico border through private citizens who are taking the law into their own hands. Southern Arizona, a region celebrated for its history of lawlessness, has become the most highly trafficked area for immigrants in the world - and one of the most dangerous. A shift in border policy forces migrants to cross the unforgiving desert where thousands die; those who make it face volatile civilian militias. The film explores the front lines of what many fatigue-wearing, self-styled warriors dub a "border war." A discussion will follow the screening. WHEN: Thursday, December 15, 2005 7:30pm WHERE: MLK, Jr. National Historic Site Screening Room 450 Auburn Avenue, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30312 MARTA: Five Points station TICKETS: Admission is FREE for the general public. FREE parking.
The Rough Cut screens next week Biscardi Creative Media is proud to announce that our first short film, The Rough Cut, will screen December 7th, 2005 at the Regal Cinemas Hollywood 24, off I-85 at Shallowford Road. This project is the result of the tireless efforts of an extremely dedicated and professional cast and crew. The Rough Cut is the story of Jennifer Mackey, a happily married mother of two. But lately, those "what if?" questions have begun to gnaw at her. Tonight it's especially bad and after a restless night of trying to sleep she awakes to find her computer turned on. "That's strange," she thinks because it hasn't been on in several days. Walking over to the monitor, nothing can prepare her for what she is about to see. Life is full of choices, what's yours? Cost: Free! RSVP to: rsvp@biscardicreative.com Date: Wednesday, December 7th. Location: Regal Cinemas Hollywood 24 (off I-85 at Shallowford Road) Time: 7:15 - 9:30 pmAnd here's a screening at Cinefest (cool venue!) that includes an "Atlanta tribute to Elliott Smith" that looks rather interesting:
And lastly, but certainly not least...uh, ly... here's a cool event focusing on the African American filmmaking community:Rose Parade double screening at Cinefest Rose Parade is a music video tribute to Elliott Smith. The video was shot to accompany the documentary: Rose Parade: An Atlanta Fan Documentary for Elliott Smith. These two films will comprise Atlanta's representation in "Future Butterflies, an international fan documentary currently being made by Elliott Smith lovers from around the world. For more info on Rose Parade, go to www.smartandsexyfilms.com In a special double screening event, Cinefest Film Theatre will be showing Rose Parade twice on December 16th. Details follow: ROSE PARADE DOUBLE SCREENING Friday, December 16th – All ages, FREE Admission 6 and 8 PM Cinefest Film Theater @ Georgia State University 66 Courtland St, Suite 211 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-651-2463 Fax: 404-651-0012 http://www.cinefest.org/
THE INDEPENDENT FILMMAKERS PREVIEW SCREENING The African American filmmaking community in Atlanta is growing and expanding and Blue Phoenix Films would like to give those filmmakers an opportunity to showcase their work. On December 5 at 6:30 pm, Blue Phoenix Films would like to invite everyone to come out to the Auburn Research Library and experience, The Fortune Teller, The 31st and its inaugural short film, Choices. Come and be a part of the burgeoning film community in Atlanta and give them your support. Choices "Teresa Avery is faced with a choices that will change her future." Director: Jacquitta McManus genre: Drama www.BluePhoenixFilms.com bpf@BluePhoenixFilms.com The Fortune Teller "A young woman tries to change her future, by remembering her past" Director: Marcellus Thurman genre: Supernatural Thriller www.wildestdreamsstudios.com funkyfilms@hotmail.com The 31st Director: Jay Williams & Dan Pederson genre: Drama qwestfilms@hotmail.com There will be a question and answer time for each film immediately following the screening. DATE & TIME: Auburn Avenue Research Library 101 Auburn Ave Ne Atlanta, GA 30303 December 5, 2005 6:30 - 8:30 PM Admission: FREEWhoa, that's a lot of free screenings! Go out and support local film by attending at least one of these events. And remember, if you have a screening that you want to promote, send us and e-mail at info@cinemATL.com and we'll spread the word and maybe even cover the event for the magazine.
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